Posts Tagged ‘VBS Themes’

5 Fun VBS Themes

May 15th, 2017

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an entertaining and educational way to engage children in biblical studies. VBS themes can take your experience to the next level! Students are so excited to participate in themed activities and learn in a unique way. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite VBS themes below!

In a Galaxy Far Far Away

Space 14 Backdrop - VBS Themes

Engage your students by delving deep into the universe! Create an out of this world experience. Explore the depths of the universe by journeying throughout space. Traverse the galaxy and amaze your students!

Travel Around the World

On Vacation 1 Backdrop - VBS Themes

Pack up your bags, it’s time to hit the road! Adventure along with your students to new sights everyday! Create a new country to visit each day and weave your theme throughout your décor and more!

What’s your Super Power?

Comic Book 6B Backdrop - VBS Themes

BOOM! WHAK! POW! For all of the Superheros, this one is for you! Channel the power of God in all becoming Superheros! This super fun and super cool theme is sure to make your students feel the love! Create your own masks and capes! Design & become the superhero you’ve always wanted to be! Out of all of the VBS themes, this will make you feel as if you have a super power!

Gear up for a Factory of Fun!

Steampunk 4D Backdrop - VBS Themes

It’s time for all your makers to come together! Gear up for our VBS themes by setting the scene with Steampunk décor! Shift into high gear with this theme. An entertaining and futuristic steampunk world! Gears, wheels, and all things MAKER! Vacation Bible School has never been this fun!

Camp Out

Cabin Interior 1 Backdrop - VBS Themes

Who doesn’t like to camp out to gain a little courage? We’re thinking smores, tents, and fun outdoor activities! Easily transform you space with our camping collection of backdrops. There’s no shortage of exciting activities for a Camp Out theme!