Dream Jobs 1B
This image is an actual photograph of the hand-painted backdrop.
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Backdrop Specifications:
Backdrop Name: Dream Jobs 1B
Backdrop SKU: MS-4020-5003
Backdrop Size: W40ft X H20ft
Backdrop Weight: Approx. 32 lbs
Celebrate your ideal job with the Dreams Job Backdrop. Our signature backdrop is hand painted and highly detailed. It creatively displays many professional aspirations in a seamless fashion. As a child you dreamt of one day becoming an astronaut, scientist, police officer, judge, singer, doctor, or politician. You imagined being a musician playing in front of thousands of fans, a ballerina spinning and twirling, an athlete playing for a championship, or a surfer riding the waves. Each profession is depicted accurately and precisely by their respective attire or uniform. The backdrop is very colorful and artistic and blends the different attires and uniforms lucidly while still keeping each occupation distinct. The Dreams Jobs Backdrop is perfect for job or educational themed events as well as school parties.