Xmas Tree 4B

This image is a representation of our painted backdrop. Actual photo available upon request.
Backdrop Specifications:
Backdrop Name: Xmas Tree 4B
Backdrop SKU: WW-1010-0282
Backdrop Size: W10ft X H10ft
Backdrop Weight: Approx. 5 lbs
This Christmas Backdrop might appear to be small but it is definitely packed with a punch of impact to wow your guests. Our Xmas Tree 4 Backdrop is 10 feet wide by 10 feet high and can be easily be used for a small play or photo shoot. It can also be used for a Santa Claus photo op or alongside your buffet table for a catering event. This is what\\\'s great about are backdrops that they can be adapted to any special event without compromising your decor. In fact, it will enhance your décor and/or props.
This backdrop is full of detail to help you save money on your Christmas decorations or event. We offer a variety of elaborate designed backdrops and others with basic elements to give the production team plenty of ways to incorporate their own creativity. Our mission is to provide an array of different theme backdrops to facilitate cohesiveness and affordable staging for any size production company. Our Xmas Tree 4 Backdrop incorporates scenery with decorative items to provide a full Christmas interpretation without having to invest in a Christmas tree and/or decorations.