Coastal Terrace 1
This image is a representation of our painted backdrop. Actual photo available upon request.
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Backdrop Specifications:
Backdrop Name: Coastal Terrace 1
Backdrop SKU: FR-4020-1383
Backdrop Size: W40ft X H20ft
Backdrop Weight: Approx. 32 lbs
A breathtaking view meets our eyes in this European coastal backdrop. We stand on a beautiful terrace, overlooking the clear blue waters surrounding the coast of a city in the distance. The terrace is large and spacious, floored with old fashioned bricks and a white iron gate, intricately designed and covered in lush green moss. Bright pink flowers hang from above the terrace, dangling down and creating an elegant feel. As we look out over the edge of this amazing location, we are welcomed by the sight of sailboats making their way across the tranquil waters below. They are small and distant, but still a wonder and a sight to see. In the horizon we see villages cluttered together. The towns stretch up and down the green mountains and look picturesque. This backdrop is sure to add a quaint feel to whatever event it is used for- viewers will feel as if they have stepped into the world of a postcard.